They say, “It’s not easy being green.
That it’s always better to be nice than to be mean,”
But try being four feet tall,
With a lot of curiosity and no power at all.

If you love me so much,
Then why can’t I go, and why say, don’t touch?
While I’m asking these questions, can we discuss sweet peas?
As in, please don’t put any peas on my plate,
Sweet peas are a vegetable I truly hate.

You give me sweet peas and demand a happy face?
Do you want to see a happy face?
Give me chicken nuggets, barbeque sauce, and a few orange slices!
Chocolate cake for dessert always hits the nicest.
Giving me apples that turn brown in the air,
That ain’t even fair!

Those brown lines transform into worms,
When I swallow those pieces, the worms are born and skate down my veins,
I can’t get the image of those worms wearing baseball caps and gym shoes out of my brain.
No worms, no apples, and please, no peas,
I repeat that prayer every night on my knees!

Oh, and I want to paint my room red.
If this is my room, it should look like the image in my head,
Red walls with big words that read “Boom” and “Pow,”
With my name printed in yellow and a blue rabbit in the corner,
Who is that boy you read to me about, Little Jack Horner?

He can be a jackrabbit that leads me through nap time.
Specifically, to interrupt your quiet time,
Parents just don’t understand,
They try to be really smart with their plans.
All the little tales they make up,
The real truth is parents can’t keep up.

I have to walk slowly, or else I will fall.
Following every rule is no fun at all.
But I know the rules,
Be good, be polite, listen in school,
Be especially nice to the frogs because it’s not easy being green,
Always be kind and never be mean.

I love school!
It is an excellent place to learn even more rules,
So, I brought this green frog to place in my teacher’s bag.
A perfect present for a mean old hag,
Excuse me, I meant teacher.