Gone On & Talk About Me!

Speaking life is always right!
Yet, I find myself holding my pen real tight,
trying to direct the flow of my traffic.
Creating your death with my words would be so tragic,
You’re trying to assassinate my integrity behind my back,
bad habit!
Running your mouth,
Like shooting bullets from a gun,
rapid fire, as you desire, to murder my character!
Then smiling in my face…
What an actor!
What a disaster!
Then I read,
“Have you considered my servant Job?”
I realized that you created a scene for God to bless me!
Why are you acting like you are from the Twilight,
for the blood that covers my life!
Don’t you understand,
He has already paid the price!
I just dabbed a little bit behind my ears.
Place a smidgen on my wrist.
Show the price tag to the devil and declare,
“Pass over this!”
You can’t shop in the same stores as me!
You can’t shine like my stars!
All my labels are the same brand,
Understanding I am still not worthy!
Underneath the blood, the floss, the gloss and the weave,
pain healed, weakness made strong, wrong made right,
cause He gave His life!
The Glory of God must look good on me!
‘Cause you cant seem keep your mouth off me!
I just hold to His words,
“Have you considered my servant Job?”
So talk if you must, in God I will trust!
Waiting with anticipation for the restoration,
from your destructive seeds, that set up the scene,
for God to bless Me!

Can We Be Healed

He sent his word and healed them, and delivered them from their destruction, Psalms 107:20 (New American Standard)

Since I began this journey of writing, my desire has always been to be healed of past hurts and wounds. I thought by some magic, myth or spiritual insight, I might read a word or write words that could bring healing to myself and others. Continue reading

The Everyday Woman

The Everyday Woman

I woke up this morning and kissed the sun!
Extending my arms, I rearranged the clouds, cause I didn’t like how they were hung.
Jumping from my bed of tulips, I stretched my back and wiggle my hips, tipping the earth on its axis a bit,
Placing my feet upon the ground, taking authority over every step, as I walked around. Continue reading

How much to Encourage?

Can I bring encouragement by sharing me?

Is it necessary to purge to cleanse the soul?

Can I really help you grow, by sharing what I know?

I have never touched the moon, nor swam the depths of the sea.

Just had an experience with God, when he visited me. Continue reading

Following the Lead of your Emotions into Situations you think will make you Happy.

Following the Lead of your Emotions into Situations you think will make you Happy.

The flesh is so powerful it is not easily ignored. It is like a crying baby waking in the middle of the night. The flesh will not be quieted until it is fed. The flesh has many different appetites. What your flesh is screaming for may differ from what my flesh craves. Continue reading

My Girlfriends

Blessed is the man who walks not in the counsel of the ungodly, Nor stands in the path of sinners, Nor sits in the seat of the scornful; Psalms 1:1 NKJV

Recently, I read an article that questioned whether or not black women made good friends. I was immediately appalled by the question. The article relayed habits such as putting each other down and debasing women who were attempting to make something of their lives.  I could not debate that we, as black women, are the hardest critics of ourselves. I did wonder which race of women did not display catty behaviors? I questioned if there was a race where the women were not competitive and did not discuss each other’s accomplishments with disdain. Dismissing the hard work and achievements accomplished by others due to the insecurities in their own lives. Continue reading