Shed the Weight


Standing in line at the check out, I observed a woman pull her cart up behind me. She was smiling and simply full of joy! The clerk greeted her with a, “Hey girl! How have you been?” She tossed a hip and stated, “Fine!” Still ringing my items, he replied, “You certainly are fine! Look how much weight you’ve loss!” I believed she danced a bit as she moved back and forth and screamed, “I lost 50lbs.” Everyone in ear shot smiled, especially the clerk. Although no one commented, the energy in the area was filled with happiness for her success. Her approximately 10 year- old son piped up, “I lost weight too!” As if he wanted to consume some of that unspoken attention.  I turned slightly to glance at the woman, mainly because losing weight is a constant struggle in my life and I  know what hard work it is to lose 50lbs!  What I saw was a still slightly overweight Beauty Queen, excited about her accomplishment! I thought, Fifty pounds! Amazing! She must feel great!”

Thinking about the weight she lost and the journey she still had ahead of her, my voice of inspiration spoke. “What about the weight of Sin?” Sin lays on our hearts, minds, and  physical bodies much like that weight the woman carried around. Most of the world cannot see our battle scars of sin as easily as the bulges and pudginess that comes from overeating, but the weight is still there, separating us from the light.

The crime is increased when we realized that Jesus bared all of that weight so that we might live free.  I wonder what would have happen if the people who stood around that cross and watch my savior crucified would have begun to cry out, “No beat me! I’ll take that flogging! No let me carry the cross! Put the thistles of crown on my head!” I believe the story would be less about a Savior and more about the generosity of mankind.

The atrocity is that while we yet believe that he died on the cross for all of our sins, we continue to saunter around with the weight of sin! Stripping the power from the cross we choose to be seduced by death.  Appearing like an out of shape fat lady, dressed in a skirt two sizes two small, shoes overstuffed with what used to be petite feet, as if the cut off of circulation in our toes is not enough to signal that the shoe is too small. Face painted like an Easter Egg, deceiving only ourselves and pretending to the world we have it all together.  Jesus worked it out so that we can “Shed the Weight” and even better, never put it on! Leave the weight at the cross, He has already, carried, crucified, buried and risen for our sins!


May every reader benefit from this blog, but today, I am writing to me!

36 Hours in a Day

36 Hours in a Day!

What if there where 36 hours in a day?
More time for children to play.
Laughing and running thru the neighborhoods.
More time for people to perform good works.
More time for breast cancer research and cures for AIDS.
More time to complete your dreams for the day.
Joshua understood this marvelous feat. Continue reading

The Visit

The most erotic sound in my head, is the sound of rain while I am lying in bed.
Instantly I am transported to a place that makes me shutter and moan.
I can feel your hands traveling across my body yet, I am home alone
Thoughts of you making me complete,
has my back arching and my toes clenching the sheets.
The room is hot and my palms are sweaty. Continue reading

Can We Be Healed

He sent his word and healed them, and delivered them from their destruction, Psalms 107:20 (New American Standard)

Since I began this journey of writing, my desire has always been to be healed of past hurts and wounds. I thought by some magic, myth or spiritual insight, I might read a word or write words that could bring healing to myself and others. Continue reading

The Everyday Woman

The Everyday Woman

I woke up this morning and kissed the sun!
Extending my arms, I rearranged the clouds, cause I didn’t like how they were hung.
Jumping from my bed of tulips, I stretched my back and wiggle my hips, tipping the earth on its axis a bit,
Placing my feet upon the ground, taking authority over every step, as I walked around. Continue reading

How much to Encourage?

Can I bring encouragement by sharing me?

Is it necessary to purge to cleanse the soul?

Can I really help you grow, by sharing what I know?

I have never touched the moon, nor swam the depths of the sea.

Just had an experience with God, when he visited me. Continue reading

Following the Lead of your Emotions into Situations you think will make you Happy.

Following the Lead of your Emotions into Situations you think will make you Happy.

The flesh is so powerful it is not easily ignored. It is like a crying baby waking in the middle of the night. The flesh will not be quieted until it is fed. The flesh has many different appetites. What your flesh is screaming for may differ from what my flesh craves. Continue reading